Winter 2020 Poem

I am thrilled to present The Michigan Poet‘s latest poem, “What to Do About Winter” by  Joanna White:

I hope the poem prepares you for snowfall and frozen ponds that are soon to come. A full-size illustration by Katie Nealis accompanies Joanna’s poem. The illustrations from my talented friends and coworkers always impress me.

W0rking on The Michigan Poet has been a highlight of an otherwise rough year, and I appreciate Foster and Jon for trusting me with the publication. In the new year I plan to return to a poem-of-the-month format with eight digital poems and four seasonal broadsides in both print and digital formats. This method will allow me to share poems that do not fit the size or theme of the seasonal broadsides. Prepare for more poets in more formats next year.

Speaking of, submissions will re-open on January 1st, 2021. Go to for more information. Please note that these submissions will likely be published the following year due to a number of submissions still in the queue. Simultaneous submissions and previously-published works are accepted as long as acknowledgment is provided. I look forward to reading your submissions.

Here’s to happy holidays and a brighter next year.

All my best,

Michael Hylton
Editor of The Michigan Poet

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